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Compare assessments online: terms of use agreement

By accessing any of the websites operated by BC Assessment, the user agrees to be bound by all of the terms of use and agrees that these terms constitute a binding contract between the user and BC Assessment.

Where you or your organization has entered into an agreement with BC Assessment that governs your use of the website, any feature or function of the website, or any other matter purportedly governed by these terms of use, that agreement supersedes these terms of use.

The information in this database is the intellectual property of BC Assessment (or an identified third party, where applicable) and is protected by copyright laws. These data are intended for private, non-commercial use by individuals.

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Users may, subject to these terms of use, print or otherwise save individual pages for private use. However, data may not be modified or altered in any respect, merged with other data or published in any form, in whole or in part.

Prohibited uses of BC Assessment information include:

  1. "screen scraping", "database scraping" and any other activity intended to collect, store, reorganize or manipulate or publish data on the pages produced by, or displayed on the BC Assessment website;
  2. obtaining names, addresses or telephone numbers for solicitation purposes, whether the solicitations are made by telephone, mail or any other means;
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